About Us

What we do

We are a student led news platform that strives to educate the population about 3 main topics: The injustices of the past, explaining the big topics of today, and seeking out the solutions for tomorrow. 

Many achievements done by people in minority groups were not given credit. Simple inventions that we use today were made by those in minority groups, but no one knows this. This was just one example, though we strive to uncover all past injustices, and inform others about it. 

Currently, we are being faced with extremely big issues, though some people do not understand where they came from. The question we ask is, “ How will we explain these issues to the next generation?” These issues need to be explained in entirety, with little bais, simple words, and facts. We need to start exploring these issues TODAY, so that we are informed TODAY.  Even the small injustices that are faced by people can be part of a huge issue, and we will try to ensure that all parts of an issue are uncovered.

The future is something that we cannot see or predict, and future leaders will have to deal with the issues left by the current generation. Everyone should learn what these issues could be, along with how they can help. These matters may seem hopeless, but looking at the positive side of how to fix them can help inspire log lasting solutions. 

All together, we are trying to recognize the small injustices, and seeking the truth of how they connect the bigger issues. Students need to know the past and present injustices to prepare for the future.  The Leaders of Tomorrow need to understand the past to strive for a better future.

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