Tomorrow Solutions

Different Tomorrow

We have problems. We need solutions.

We are facing issues that need to be fixed in the future. Read about the solutions that could be taken.

Future Solutions

We have problems. We need solutions.

We are facing issues that need to be fixed in the future. Read about the solutions that could be taken.

Better Tomorrow

Look to the future, and what do you see?

Every student plans their future college. Every graduate plans their future job. Read about what our writers see in the future of the world.

Foreign Futures

Some countries are taking steps towards a better future.

Fixing the worlds most pressing issues has been item number 1 on some country’s lists. Read about some of the updates countries have made in order to obtain a better future.

Artificial Intelligence VS Social Media

The dominance of social media might have some competition. The rapid advancements of artificial intelligence (AI) has been beneficial for companies to track data on potential/existing customers. We are being observed and more impactful tools are being created. New technology is helpful, but how much is too far? Social media and AI are very similar…

Toolmakers in Cybersecurity

In a more and more virtual world, we are at an increased risk to hackers and harmful software. Cybersecurity is very important and there are many methods to ensure your device is safe. Hackers use multiple tricks that you could fall prey to. Learning about them can help your information stay secret.

The Future of Youth Activism

Throughout history, the concept of youth activism has changed drastically. Nowadays, the young people of America and other places of the world voice their opinions freely. They demand change through protests, voting, social media, and more. These methods make the world easier to impact in a positive way.


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